„Gliwickie Metamorfozy” |
Gottlieb Jacob
4.11.1795–18.11.1865 |
Translation: Iwona Wrodarczyk
Gliwice 2005 |
www.gliwiczanie.pl |
gliwickie_metamorfozy@op.pl |
He was born in Pless (Pszczyna) in the family of rektor of the evangelical
school. He
was studying in Halle and in Breslau (Wrocław).
In 1818 year he became intendent
the evangelical parish in
Pless (Pszczyna).
Pastor of the evangelical parish 1835–1865, meritorious for building the
Saint Barbara Church, decorated
with The Order Of The Red Eagle 3rd class with
the ribbon.
He had a sumptuous tomb on the Steelworkers Cemetery, but its location
is unknown.
Source: Jacek
Schmidt „Historia gminy ewangelickiej w Gliwicach
(1809-1945)” - Zeszyty Gliwickie nr 24 1995 str.